I'm currently doing my first year at AFDA, a South African film school. This semester I'm doing directing and writing and next semester I'll be doing Animation and VFX, so expect some uploads from me next semester!

Age 32, Male

Film Student



Joined on 4/7/08

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So, South Africa huh? All you white people just got a little fright there, didn't you? (I'm white, so no hate ;) ). Anyway, it's the Soccer World Cup soon, and I'm certain there are some folks here looking to make movies or games or parodies or whatnot. That's where I come in: I speak Afrikaans fluidly as a first language, and I can help you translate anything or everything should you wish for my help. I'm doing this for free because I'd like to become part of some flash submissions before I start making some myself. Anyway, about Afrikaans, should you be curious to know:

It's mainly spoken by Afrikaaners (White South Africans), especially "boere" (Farmers). It's heavily based of off Dutch but it's much easier to pronounce the words based off of typography, and it's a beautiful language if I should say so myself. Most South Africans know how to speak Afrikaans, but you'll be better off speaking English as English is also our "primary" language.

Some facts about South Africa, it's current state and survival tips:
- We do NOT ride lions. Seriously, if a lion should walk into my room right now I'd shit just as much bricks as you would.
- Our government sucks. I mean, it really, REALLY sucks.
-Julius Malema, who sang kill the boere (whites) and took a hypothetical shit on that BBC reporter, is free to roam South Africa. That's right, the biggest twat in Africa is walking around with stolen money and his racist head up the President's ass.
-There are white people in South Africa. Infact, there are quite a lot. And, oppossed to popular believe, we are NOT all racists. Infact, a recent study found that racism in white families is down by 89% since 1994. True story.
-We don't all live in shacks (tin houses), but there's about 12 million people who do.
-We didn't start the fire, it was always burning since the world was turning...
-We pay our slaves ;)
-Fast food is major over here aswell, and you'll still find a McDonalds around every second corner. (Not literally, ofcourse)
-If you see a guy with a gun or a panga (machete) or half a brick, run!...except if it's the police. Then again, our security services suck. So just run.
-Our internet is expensive and slow as shit.
-We're actually pretty westernised, but we're still a 3rd world mess.
-Don't give your money to many of the "blind people" on the road, they're faking it.
-Lock everything! Crime is heavy here. Just don't look like a clueless outsider, you'll then be target one.
-Don't ever, EVER, get into a South African taxi. If you do, take a AK-47 and some grenades with you. But please, just hire your own car. Or you'll DIE!

Anyway, hope this helps some people.

Recent Game Medals

19,770 Points

Winter is Coming 5 Points

Freeze a foe, and then hit them again for massive damage.

Level 10 10 Points

Reach level 10. That's a good start, but there's still a long way to go.

The Gang's All Here 25 Points

Find all of your missing party members.

Digging Too Deep 25 Points

Enter the Crystal Caverns for the first time.

Used Cut 5 Points

Cut down a dangerous path-blocking bush. Don't worry, they don't have feelings.

Used Strength 5 Points

Push an unwanted block out of the way. It will not be missed.

Monster Hunter 10 Points

Defeat 100 foes in total, and develop a taste for their flesh.

Water Conducts 5 Points

Shock a wet foe with a thunder attack (or ice, if you prefer).

New Skill Found 5 Points

Find a new special skill. You can find them in chests or get them from quests.

Permanent Stat Boost 5 Points

Eat a stat-boosting snack and boost your stats permanently. Protip: Don't give them all to one character.

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Added to bosses for Cathode Raybots Feb 15, 2013.


Added to faces for Cathode Raybots Feb 15, 2013.


Added to faces for Cathode Raybots Feb 15, 2013.


Added to pumpkins for Carve n' Share Oct 19, 2010.