First off, I'd like to "Bekoboy1234"'s comment about the game being a rehash of Space Invaders extreme: Same style, same fever system, same form of obtaining weapons, same form of progressing and even the exact same 4 weapons. I do however feel that A LOT of trouble obviously went into this and I thoroughly enjoyed it so I'm pleased to give you an 8. (But seriously, maybe just adding "Inspired by Space Invaders Extreme" to the description would be awesome)
My second concern is the music. It was brilliant, it really was: Fitting and fast. My problem is that in certain areas of the world, streaming music is a pain because if you have a third world internet connection like mine the music buffs every few seconds, making it feel choppy. I know this isn't a problem with the game but instead with the player's system, but I just thought I'd mention that adding the music to the preloaded files would make it much more accesible for us less fortunate tools.
Again, well done nice and colourful. I only suggest adding more of your own influence into it (Different weapon functions atleast).